Reliable and innovative pond products

For the construction and maintenance of any type pond and swimming pond.

All products for the construction of all types of ponds under one roof!

AquaForte stands for reliable, innovative pond products for the construction and maintenance of any type of (swimming) pond. By continuously looking for innovations in the pond market and developing its own products, AquaForte can guarantee a complete and high-quality product line. The result is clean and clear pond water of excellent quality!

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Swimming Ponds & Biopools

To swim in pure water without chlorine or other chemicals. More and more people choose for the natural beauty of a swimming pond. Delightful to swim in, but also beautiful to look at.

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Koi & Ornamental ponds

AquaForte stands for reliable and innovative products for the construction and maintenance of ponds. By continuously searching for innovations in the pond market and developing its own products, AquaForte can guarantee a complete and high-quality product line.

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Met de producten van AquaForte zijn door de jaren heen mooie zwemvijvers aangelegd. Graag laten we u een aantal van deze projecten zien. Laat u inspireren door deze zwemvijvers: van strakke baden met een biologische filtratie tot de meer natuurlijke zwemvijvers.